Sunday, February 6, 2011

Machete: A muddled mess

Ex - Federale Machete is hired to assassinate a high profile U.S. Senator but when he is double crossed, he must use all of his skills and cunning to uncover the truth behind why everyone seems to want him dead.

Robert Rodriguez continued to explore his “grindhouse” film roots with Machete (his previous picture, Planet Terror started the trend and the fake trailer for Machete was shown before it), a film loaded with all of the goods one would expect to see in an exploitation (or in this case Mexploitation) piece; absurd amounts of violence and action (which got dull after the tenth time Machete chopped down a bad guy), copious amounts of T & A and a good amount of acting which would not be considered Oscar - worthy (although Lindsay Lohan can play a drug addict surprisingly well!). But therein lies the problem with the film for Machete had all of that silliness and other grindhouse - esque qualities, but it also wanted the audience to take it seriously when the story delved into its parts regarding illegal immigration. Rodriguez and co-Director Ethan Maniquis failed to strike a proper balance between mindless and thought provoking, as a result, the film felt like one of those musical mash ups that failed to connect. Yes, this movie was not meant to be seen as the second coming of Macbeth for it functioned as a sort of male fantasy film with barely clothed women, big guns and loud explosions but if that was what Rodriguez and Maniquis were going for, the story should not have tried to eek out some half - baked social statement that only served to muddle up an already unbalanced film.

Next time (cause in this age of sequels, I got five bucks that says there will be one), just let Machete do his thing and keep the social commentary on the cutting room floor.

Grade: C

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