Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to The Stowe Show!

Hello and welcome to my blog! For some of you (like the five of you who actually followed my Stowe Show website) I'd like to say welcome back. For the rest of you, I'd like to say thanks for stopping by and I hope it's not a one shot thing. Movies are a passion of mine and I love to talk about them. My family and friends know this, and they have put up with my Dennis Miller - esque rantings on why The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest film ever or how Twilight is just ridiculously horrible. Now I've decided to take these thoughts and opinions online to see if I can engage a new audience on the virtues of Kevin Smith films or the latest crap remake Hollywood is trying to jam down our collective throats. My plan for this blog is to use it to critique those films I see on dvd and in the theater, without all of the esoteric stuff you might run into in other film review blogs. I welcome any and all comments and would love to hear from you (especially if you have a film you would like me to check out and comment on). So without further ado, let the insanity begin...

1 comment:

  1. "There's only one return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi!"
